Wednesday, 11 July 2018

{$ Speech} 2017 Independence Speech in hindi For Teachers

Check Here Independence Day Speech For Teachers and Download this 71th Independence Speech In Hindi. Like and share 15 August Speech For Teachers with your friends. 

{$ Speech} 2017 Independence Speech in hindi For Teachers

Welcome to our website if you are finding 2017 Independence Speech in English than you are right place here you can Free download the Pdf file of these Speech and you can also copy our {$ Speech} 2017 Independence Speech in hindi For Teachers and you can than give your speech in your school in front of Students, Teachers and in Assembly you just have to be Independent will speaking these speech because you are about speak about our Nation Struggle, Pride, Battles and Freedom of our Country India so you have to be bold and very confident will speaking any kind of speech on Independence Day. We have so many speech on 15 August 2017 Speech in Hindi English, 15 August 2017 Speech for Teachers, so you don’t have to worry you you speech is not going to match with anyone so quickly pick your speech before someone else going to pick it. The only thing you have to do is that you have to open our collection of {$ Speech} 2017 Independence Speech in hindi For Teachers and than you have to select the best speech for you copy or Free Download that speech from our collection than read it properly learn it now you are ready to deliver a speech on Independence.

Check Here 15 August Speech and Independence Day Speech In Hindi

{$ Speech} 2017 Independence Speech in Hindi For Teachers 

Independence Day is celebrated by da people of India every year on 15th of August as a National Holiday 2 commemorate da independence of India from da Kingdom of Great Britain on 15th of August in 1947. At this day, people of India pay heartily homage 2 da great leaders in da leadership of whom India bcame free 4ever. At this day, people celebrate in dair own way by buying tricolour Flag, watching movies based on freedom fighters, listening patriotic songs, bonding wid family & friends, participating in special contests, programs, & articles organized by da broadcast, print & online media 2 promote da awrness about day.
Jawaharlal Nehru bcame our first Prime Minister after da independence of India on 17th of August 1947 who raised da Flag at Lahore Gate of Red 4t in Delhi & given a speech. This phenomenon is follovd by da odar subsequent Prime Ministers of India where flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, march past, salute by 21 guns & odar cultural events r organized. Odar people celebrate this day by raising national flag on dair clodas, homes or vehicles. On da midnight of 15th August in 1947, P&it Jawaharlal Nehru had announced da independence of India by reading out his speech on “Tryst wid destiny”. He said that after long years of slavery, it is da time when v will redeem our pledge wid da end of our ill 4tune.
India is a country where millions of people live 2gedar whedar day blong 2 various religion, cultures or traditions & celebrate this special occasion wid great joy. At this day, as bing an Indian, v should feel proud & must take an oath 2 keep ourselves loyal & patriotic in order 2 save our modarl& from any type of attack or humiliation by odar countries.
15 August 2017 Speech For Teachers
Independence Day in India is da most important day 4 every Indian citizen as our country got freedom from da British rule. v celebrate this day every year on 15th of August from 1947. Our country is counted as da world’s largest democracy all over da world. India bcome an independent country on 15th of August in 1947 after sacrifices of thous&s of freedom fighters (such as Mahatma G&hi, Bhagat Singh, Netaji Subhash Ch&ra Bose, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Moulana Abul Kalam Azad, Sukhdev, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Lala Lajpat Rai, Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak, Ch&ra Shekhar Azad, etc) who worked hard 2 get independence from da British rule.
Each & every Indian celebrate his/her freedom in dair own way such as decorating dair places of celebration, raising National Flag, march past, watching favourite movies, dancing in da streets, singing National &am or patriotic songs or participating in many social activities organized at public places. Independence Day is celebrated by da government of India every year when da current Prime Minister of India raises out tricolour national flag at da Red 4t in Delhi follovd by Indian army parade, march past, National &am recitation, speech & odar cultural activities.
Independence Day in India is celebrated wid da National Flag salute by da 21 guns firing. Similarly Independence Day celebration takes place in every states of da country where Governor & da Chief Minister of da states bcome main guests. Some people get preprd in da early morning & wait 4 da speech of da Indian Prime Minister at TV. On 15th of August people get inspired wid da his2ry of India’s independence & do some social activities like that & watch movies based on da patriotic dames.
da great non-violence movement of da Mahatma G&hi, Bapu, helps a lot 2 our freedom fighters 2 get freedom from da British rule after 200 long years of struggle. da hard struggle 4 Independence of India has worked as a huge moving 4ce 4 every Indian which bind dam 2gedar at one place whedar day blong 2 different castes, classes, cultures 2 ritual bliefs 2 fight dam from British rule 4 dair rights. Even women (Aruna Asaf Ali, Vijay Laxmi P&it, Sarojine Naidu, Kasturba G&hi, Kamala Nehru, Annie bsant, etc) came out from dair houses & played dair great role in getting freedom.
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{$ Speech} 2017 Independence Speech in hindi For Teachers

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